Category: General

Site Changes and General Cleaning

The website has been up and running now for a couple of years, and we felt it was time for a review of what is posted to update for changes and to generally tidy up around here. So, we’ve been through all the posts and verified that the links work, or to replace the ones that didn’t with links that should work. If you see a link that is broken, let us know at info@englandforallreasons.comGrab a cuppa tea and read on!

English Cottage Vacation—A Different Way to See England

Do you, like us, want to see more of England than just London? Are you, unlike us, a bit nervous about driving, navigating, and in general, living in more rural England? Are you uncertain about finding a clean, modern cottage to live in, and even if you do, a local grocer, or how to use European appliances? Do you need more information on places to go in the English countryside? Do you just want an … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!

Tea, In Three Courses (Course 3)

In Course 1, we talked about the origin of tea, the history of afternoon tea, and a brief discussion of some of the varieties of tea. In Course 2, we examined afternoon tea, a ritual that is a meal and an experience, all in one. Now let’s talk about the tea, the plant, and the various options.

Classic black tea, camellia sinensis, may have had humble beginnings by falling into a cup of … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!

Thanksgiving in London, Part 2

It has been a while since I posted Part 1, but I do want to finish these two articles so here goes.

While in London during Thanksgiving, one event that is definitely worth the time is to visit the various Christmas Markets, both in London and out of the metropolitan area. These Christmas Markets are full of small booths or chalets, populated by local crafters and small volume artisans who peddle their wares at … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!

Thanksgiving in London (Part 1)

As I sit to write this in early February, it seems strange to talk about Thanksgiving. It’s so far away! But if you are planning to travel to London, Thanksgiving is a pretty good time to go. We have been there twice for the holiday, and hope to do so again. London at that time of year is magical. The Christmas street decorations are starting to appear, the stores are open, excitement is building for … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!