Tag: afternoon tea

Tea, In Three Courses (Course 2)

In Course 1, we talked about the origin of tea, the history of afternoon tea, and a brief discussion of some of the varieties of tea. For course 2, we will get into afternoon tea, an event that is a meal and an experience, all in one.

In the afternoon, one can have a simple Cream Tea, which is generally a cup of tea and something with Clotted cream, or whipped cream. It could …

Tea, In Three Courses (Course 1)

There is a lovely evergreen plant known as Camellia Sinensis that grows prolifically in a number of places, including China and India. The story is that in China a certain ruler named Shennong was sent into exile sometime about 2737 BC, where he stayed in his house and garden. One day he was heating water in a large open kettle when a leaf of the Camellia Sinensis fell in and the ruler left it there, …