Tag: driving

All Aboard!

In a previous post we discussed how to get around London, Underground, Red Bus, and Black Cab. But what if you want to go elsewhere in England? Well, we did mention driving, but there is another way to get around: Trains.

In the US, where we live, the train system does have passenger trains, particularly on the East Coast in the Boston-New York-Philadelphia-DC corridor where Amtrak runs regular trains at relatively high … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!

Help! I’m Stuck in a Roundabout, Addendum

Quick update here.  I was recently in the UK, driving around, and the experience has reminded me of some things to tell you to help you drive there, too. Nothing to contradict what I’ve already said in Part 1Part 2 or Part 3, just some observations on how it’s working in 2018.

First up, pay attention to what is painted on the road. If for example you see a circle with a … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!

Help, I’m Stuck in a Roundabout, Part 3

Assuming you have read the other two parts of this topic <<Part 1>>  <<Part 2 >>, this part will take on the much more mundane topic of traffic signs and roads. The number and type of signs in the UK is large, so there is no way to cover all of them. This government website  covers the ones the government thinks are the most important. Generally, triangular signs with red borders are … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!

Help, I’m Stuck in a Roundabout, Part 2

Ok, so we have our rental all checked out. But before you fire it up, do a thorough checkout so you know how to operate it—handbrake, cruise controls, gearing, instruments, fuel filling locations (and what type fuel it takes), options on the dashboard, heater, etc. Driving is going to take a lot of your attention, so having to figure out how to get the cabin temperature where you want it while trying to figure … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!

Help! I’m Stuck in a Roundabout and I Can’t Get Out! (Part 1)

When we first lived in England in the middle ‘70s, Jake was there as a US Naval officer on exchange to the Royal Navy. Therefore, he was covered by what was then called the “Status of Forces Agreement,” which covered what was and was not required of the military forces assigned to the UK. Among them was that Jake had no requirement to obtain a UK driving license within a year. He could drive in … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!