Tag: palace

Some Great Hotels in London, Part 1, The Rubens at the Palace

We haven’t written much about hotels in London because often when we visit we book a flat to rent for our stay. However, holiday flats in central London are getting more expensive, so recently we’ve tried a few hotels and found a few we like.

The typical chain hotels in London are Marriott, Hilton, Holiday Inn, etc., and they are well-operated and centrally located. However, some smaller chains operate unique, boutique hotels that have wonderful … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!

I’ll Have a Scone at Scone Palace, Please.

Just north of Edinburgh is the lovely Scottish city of Perth, and near that fair city there is a town and palace named Scone.  Never heard of it, you say? Well, dear reader, it holds a significant place in history, not just for Scotland, but for all of the United Kingdom. But first, a lesson in pronunciation—“Scone,” the name of the town and palace, is pronounced “Skoon” as a rhyme for “spoon.” There is much … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!