Tag: pub grub

Serendipity, a Town All About Cheese and an Old Hymn. Yes, There is a Connection.

On one of our earlier journeys in England, we were testing to see how a GPS system worked. This was before smartphones, in the early days of GPS or, as the Brits call it, SatNav.  The system was a GPS receiver connected to my PDA running a navigation program. Back in those days you could never tell which way the SatNav was likely to take you, so it was a bit of an adventure.

In … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!

The George Restaurant & Bar, Molash, Kent

On one of our journeys in 2016, we wanted to spend some time in Kent, a county in the South East of England we had previously only visited briefly. Arriving at our rented cottage we asked the owner where we could get a good meal and she recommended The George, in Molash.  Having some sightseeing to do first we didn’t get to The George until the third day.  Being Americans who tend to eat dinner … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!