Tag: romans

Romans and Vikings and Normans, Oh My! (York part 2)

In Part 1 we covered some of the history of York and so here in Part 2 we hope to entice you to explore many places that are well-worth your time, for so many reasons!

In addition to the Roman walls, medieval towers and the incredible history of the area, inside the Roman walls is a fascinating city center.  The major, and highly visible, object of interest is Yorkminster, the huge cathedral that towers … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!

Romans and Vikings and Normans, Oh My! (York Part 1)

About 200 miles north of London is the city of York which, not surprisingly, is in Yorkshire. (Actually, the Shire got the name from the city, so I guess one should really say that Yorkshire is around York.) We’ve been there three times, and we plan to go again. Why, you ask? Because York is a fabulous place to explore for so many reasons, that’s why!

York was founded by the Romans in 71 A.D. … Grab a cuppa tea and read on!