Tag: shopping

Thanksgiving in London (Part 1)

As I sit to write this in early February, it seems strange to talk about Thanksgiving. It’s so far away! But if you are planning to travel to London, Thanksgiving is a pretty good time to go. We have been there twice for the holiday, and hope to do so again. London at that time of year is magical. The Christmas street decorations are starting to appear, the stores are open, excitement is building for …

Three Days in Sussex — Day 3

Brighton and Hove

At the far western end of Sussex is the seaside resort of Brighton, actually named Brighton and Hove. Brighton has been occupied from the Bronze age, through the Romans and Anglo-Saxon times. Under King George IV, while he was Prince Regent, Brighton developed as a place where people could take advantage of what was thought to be the health aspects of bathing in the sea. With the coming of railroads in 1841, …